Greg Thompson brings a wide range of skills and interests to Bravura Records. A love of music and strong sense of style informs everything he does. He studied piano for 12 years, starting at the age of 6. When he discovered audio the course of his life was set. Having learned recording from Toby Foster while still a teenager, Greg began his relationship with Bill at 21 years of age by helping with the design of many aspects of the studio: from the studio logo to all the industrial and mechanical design and hand building of the console chassis, from color schemes and designing and building furniture to geometry drawings for the main monitors! Greg left Bills employ to attend the prestigious Art Center College of Design, where he earned a degree in industrial design. He then worked on several projects with Toby and went on to design a series of high end home studios for prominent L.A. artists, producers, and musicians. For the last 20 years, Greg has designed widely used fonts and kept a hand in music and audio. From our logo, to our website, to our business plan, Greg is our creative secret weapon!